Early years
Po's father protecting his baby son from the wolves
Po was born in a remote farming village populated entirely by pandas. There he grew up happily with his biological mother andfather, until one day the village was invaded by an evil, power-hungry peacock named Shen, who sought to avert a prophecy by eliminating any threat to his rule.
As his wolf followers slaughtered the pandas and destroyed the village, Po's mother fled with her son, while his father stayed behind to try and fight them off. As the wolves quickly started to close in on her, Po's mother managed to temporarily elude the wolves and found a crate of radishes, which she hid her child in. Mother and son shared one final moment of farewell before his mother caught the attention of the wolves and lead them away from him, sacrificing her life for her son.
Kung Fu Panda 2 Baby Po
Baby Po's arrival at the noodle shop
The crate Po was in was eventually shipped far away to a villagein the Valley of Peace, where the owner of a noodle shop, Mr. Ping, found the baby panda. Though hesitant to get involved at first, the goose felt pity for the infant and brought him inside where he fed him and gave him a bath, and as he continued to care for him, he grew to love the cub. Eventually realizing that no one was looking for the child, Mr. Ping decided to adopt him, giving him the name "Po" and raising him as his own son.
A portrait of young Po and a younger Mr. PingSince then, Po had been happily raised in the noodle shop, learning all he knew as a noodle maker from his adoptive father. Until the events in the second film, Po never questioned Mr. Ping about whether he was adopted, as both father and son shared a deep mutual love and respect. He did, however, carry doubts that they were related.
In Kung Fu Panda
Po had grown up into an adventurous dreamer who hoped to become a kung fu legend some day, on par with the Furious Five, whom he idolized. However, he didn't think he could pursue his dream, as he was an out-of-shape panda who worked at a noodle shop, which Mr. Ping enthusiastically expected him to some day run in his place. Though Po showed little interest in continuing this family tradition, he complied, not wanting to let his father down.
Po's dream with the Furious Five
At heart, Po was a huge fan of kung fu, as his room was decorated with posters and action figures of the Furious Five, and he would imagine himself as anunbeatable warrior who would fight alongside them. Po knew, in detail, many things about kung fu, from techniques to various weapons and legends. Although this encyclopedic knowledge showed Po as somewhat of an expert on kung fu, it was only in the form of a fan who fantasized he could be part of it, not as someone who had any real experience.
It was seemingly by mistake, then, that he was chosen to become the Dragon Warrior. Po was ecstatic when he heard of a tournament being held to determine which of the Furious Five would be chosen as the Dragon Warrior, something he declared would be the "greatest day in kung fu history". He abandoned his task of selling noodles in order to see the tournament, but couldn't make it in time, as
the gates closed on him, shutting him out

Po being selected by MasterOogway as the Dragon Warrior
After many failed, desperate attempts to get inside and watch the event, including strapping fireworks to a chair and lighting them in order to lift him up and into the arena, Po was about to give up and go back to work with his father—when the fireworks suddenly shot him into the sky, flying over the arena. Po abruptly landed inside the tournament grounds just as Oogway was about to choose who would be the Dragon Warrior, and Po fell in front of the Furious Five—with Oogway's claw pointed directly at him. Inspired by the panda's sudden appearance, Oogway took this as a sign that the universe had brought them all the Dragon Warrior. Everyone else, including Po, was surprised by this.
The Valley celebrated, and Po was carried (with difficulty) on a palanquin (which he broke through) to the Jade Palace. Po was dropped inside the palace, where he became distracted as he discovered the many legendary kung fu artifacts kept within. After awing at several displays, he was met by Shifu, who had objected that a "flabby panda" couldn't possibly be the Dragon Warrior, and the red panda tried to intimidate Po upon meeting him, insulting his portliness, hygiene, and threatening Po with potential use of the Wuxi Finger Hold, promising the panda that he would regret ever being chosen

Po in the Training Hall
Shifu afterwards led Po to the challenging Training Hall, where the members of the Furious Five were training. Po, thrilled at being in the presence of the Five (who were all observing him), was nervous but eager to try some kung fu moves. But being an unwary beginner, he was hurtled, burnt, punched, and thrown through the various obstacles. The Furious Five later joked about his
incompetence, which Po happened to overhear, making him feel inferior

Po talking with Oogway under the peach tree
That night, after making accidental damages in the student barracks, Po had an awkward conversation with Crane (where Po himself revealed that he didn't think he belonged at the Jade Palace). He was then given a rebuke fromTigress, who told him stern and straightforward, that he didn't belong in the Jade Palace, was a disgrace to kung fu, and should leave by morning. Po, disheartened, retreated to the Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom, upset and overeating, cramming his mouth full with peaches. Oogway, upon finding him, listened to Po as the panda related how he had doubts about ever becoming a kung fu warrior. The tortoise gave him some kindly advice, telling Po that instead of being concerned about what was and what would be, he should focus on the opportunity he had at the moment.
The next morning, Po surprised Shifu and the Furious Five by not only staying, but by arriving first at the training courtyard to practice. Once again, Po was put through a kung fu thrashing, beat up by the Furious Five and Shifu long into the day, but Po showed no signs of pain or indignity, as he was so amazed by the skill he witnessed and only welcomed the privilege to spar with the kung fu masters. This optimism and sheer tenacity at such treatment frustrated Shifu, who, even after literally kicking Po out of the palace, was unsuccessful in making him quit.
The Furious Five, with the exception of Tigress, became impressed at Po's fortitude, and came to warm up to to him more in the evening. Mantis and Viper tried helping Po feel better with acupuncture, and Mantis assured him about his own small size as a warrior compared to Po's. After inadvertently confirming his suspicions that Shifu was indeed trying to get rid of him, Viper and Mantis explained to Po that the old master was not always so strict. Having overheard their conversation, Tigress shared the story of Shifu's past involving how he had raised Tai Lung, who became evil, and Po was rendered speechless. However, due to an unintentional mistake on his facial nerve by Mantis, he ended up making a spastic expression, which angered Tigress.
Po imitating Shifu for the Fiveduring a meal
Po later made the Furious Five some noodle soup, which he was praised for, and made most of them laugh when he did an imitation of Shifu—only moments before the master himself appeared. He announced that Tai Lung had broken out of Chorh-Gom Prison, and that it was Po's destiny to defeat him, also relaying that Oogway had passed away. Startled and frightened, Po ran off in a panic, only to be stopped shortly by Shifu, who, despite his prior disapproval, declared that Po was the Dragon Warrior.
Po being stopped by Shifu from leaving the palace
Refusing to believe this, Po confronted Shifu on how he'd never believed in him, and had been trying to make him quit since his first day, while Shifu reminded Po that he had chosen to stay, despite all the harsh treatment. Po revealed that he had been hurt both inside and out, but had stayed because, to him, it was better than living every day just being himself, and wanted so badly for the kung fu master to change him into something better. When Po questioned Shifu on just how he planned to make him the Dragon Warrior capable of defeating the mighty Tai Lung, the red panda admitted he didn't know, and departed.
Discouraged, Po again fled to food for comfort, and had nearly ravaged the kitchen in the barracks, punching through cupboards and drawers, even doing a perfect split at one point, when Shifu discovered him the next morning. He stood amazed, seeing that the panda had inadvertently showed a knack for kung fu while merely trying to find food in his distressed state. Shifu decided to use this perceived weakness as a teaching tool to motivate and train Po

Po and Master Shifu playing "keep-away"
Led through the Wu Dan Mountains to the Pool of Sacred Tears, Shifu told Po the origins of kung fu. Po agreed to learn from Shifu, astounded and emotional from finally getting a chance to live his dream. And so began his first serious step in kung fu training.
Po was put through various exercises, from push-ups to ten-mile hikes, to balancing soup bowls, defending his own meals from attack, and a game of keep away, using chopsticks and a dumpling as a reward. Through determination, and with Shifu's teaching, Po's senses grew sharper, he became more confident, and in time, had achieved tremendous improvements in body, mind and spirit.
But the Furious Five, led by Tigress, had left to fight Tai Lung on their own. Despite putting up a courageous fight on the Thread of Hope that morning, each of them was overwhelmed by Tai Lung's superior skill, but left alive as a warning. Crane weakly carried his comrades back to the Jade Palace, where Po and Shifu found the rest of the Five all paralyzed, struck by Tai Lung's nerve attack. Seeing his heroes wounded before him, Po was worried about facing Tai Lung himself, but Shifu assured him that he could beat Tai Lung—with the help of the Dragon Scroll

Po being awarded the Dragon Scroll by ShifuHe retrieved it, giving it to Po and promising him extraordinary powers of sight and sound when he would read it. Po opened the scroll, only to find it was nothing but a golden, reflective surface that was completely blank. This confused and disappointed both him, Shifu, and the Five, leaving Po to believe that he really had been picked to be the Dragon Warrior by accident. With little options left, Shifu told the Furious Five to evacuate the Valley, saying that he would fight Tai Lung himself to buy them all time. They obeyed, Po reluctantly leaving with the others.
The Five split up to escort the villagers out, leaving a dispirited Po to seek out his father. Mr. Ping was glad to see him again, tying an apron around Po and talking to him about future plans for a new noodle shop as they fled with the rest of the Valley. Having come so close at becoming the kung fu warrior he'd aspired to be, and being pulled back into his former life as if nothing had happened, Po unhappily lingered for a moment, his hopes crushed. Mr. Ping tried to assure his son that he still had a destiny at the noodle restaurant. Not encouraged by this, Po remarked that he sometimes couldn't even believe he was the goose's son

Po realizing the secret of theDragon Scroll
Mr. Ping, taken aback, tried to comfort Po by finally telling him the truth: the secret ingredient of the noodle shop's secret ingredient soup—was nothing. He explained that he never needed to add anything more to ordinary noodle soup. By simply believing it to be special, it became special on its own. Astounded, Po took out the Dragon Scroll, and found himself looking into his own reflection. Mr. Ping's words made the connection, and at last Po understood the meaning of the Dragon Scroll, the secret to "limitless power"

Po challenging Tai Lung with theDragon Scroll
He made his way back to the Jade Palace, climbing the stairs (which exhausted him), and arrived just in time to distract Tai Lung and save Shifu, who was nearly unconscious as a result of his battle with the snow leopard. Facing Tai Lung, Po proclaimed that he was the true Dragon Warrior. Tai Lung laughed at the claim, and Po smugly revealed that he the Dragon Scroll in his possession. This lead to a back-and-forth struggle for the scroll which soon turned into abattle that spread down into the Valley, both Po and Tai Lung trying to get the Dragon Scroll as it fell from place to place.
Po used his creative cunning to keep the scroll away from Tai Lung, even using noodles and a cart propelled by fireworks in the battle, as well as the same maneuvers in his game of "keep-away" with Shifu. Despite his ongoing success, Po finally collapsed when Tai Lung met him with a powerful punch, pummeling the panda to the ground. When Tai Lung finally had the scroll, he was disappointed and stunned when he discovered it was blank. Po, as he was getting up, told him that he hadn't got the scroll's meaning the first time either, and explained that "There is no secret ingredient; it's just you." Infuriated, Tai Lung threw down the Dragon Scroll and struck Po, but his deadly nerve attacks only served to have a ticklish effect on Po, making him laugh

Po using the Wuxi Finger Holdon Tai Lung
Again, the two fought, Po besting and outsmarting Tai Lung again and again, developing his own improvised style in the process. Eventually, Po caught Tai Lung in the Wuxi Finger Hold, declaring to have figured out the secret to the mysterious technique on his own, and with the word "Skadoosh" and the flexing of his pinky, Po performed the move, sending a massive golden shock wave throughout the Valley of Peace and beyond and defeating Tai Lung.
When the Furious Five and villagers returned, they watched Po emerge from the haze in silence, and became elated, the villagers cheering for his triumph. Mr. Ping raced to his son, overjoyed and proud of his victory as a kung fu warrior. Tigress stepped forward and bowed to Po in respect, smiling and calling him "Master," and the rest of the Furious Five and the Valley followed suit. Po was modestly pleased, but quickly remembered that Shifu was hurt back at the palace. He rushed back and found Shifu still injured, and told him he had defeated Tai Lung

Po and Shifu eating a meal by the peach tree
Shifu weakly thanked Po for bringing peace both to the Valley and to him, afterwards trailing off and closing his eyes, leaving Po to momentarily mistake him as dying, to which Shifu exclaimed he wasn't. After a quiet, meditative moment, Po asked him if he wanted to get something to eat. He and Shifu later enjoyed a meal of dumplings by the Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom, overlooking a new day in the Valley of Peace.
In Secrets of the Furious Five
Po and his kung fu class
Po was instructed by Shifu to teach a class of new kung fu students, made up of rambunctious rabbit children. Shifu told Po that it may very well be the toughest challenge he's ever faced, and left a dubious Po to teach the class himself. After calming down the excited group, Po told them stories of how each of the Furious Five learned the secrets of kung fu. When Shifu returned to check on Po's progress, he first thought that Po had taught the rowdy students that kung fu is all about fighting; but after hearing the children point out the lessons of having patience, courage, discipline, compassion, and confidence, Shifu found that Po had taught them well, and allowed him to keep teaching the class.
In Kung Fu Panda Holiday
Wo Hop attacking Po with a wooden spoon
It was the time of the Winter Festival, and Po was informed by Master Shifu innoodle shop that he was to host the Winter Feast at the Jade Palace. TheFurious Five were surprised when Po told them this news, and offered to help him prepare for the sophisticated dinner. However, Po was confident that he could do it himself, and was excited about the chance to host the formal gathering. But soon enough, he became overwhelmed by the many tasks of preparing for the Feast, and was burdened further by not being able to have his father come to the event.
After accidentally rejecting and disgracing a rabbit chef named Wo Hop with the "Hun-Shu Wave of Dismissal", Po decided to intentionally dismiss the other chefs trying out for the Feast by tasting and saying their dishes were awful, and he later offered the job to his father, along with the Golden Ladle, in hopes that the two of them could spend the holiday together. However, Mr. Ping refused, stating he couldn't be away from the restaurant and let his customers down. After Po told him he couldn't be home during the holiday, Mr. Ping grudgingly told him to to the palace feast, resulting in Po feeling guilty

Po struggling with a decision of loyalty
Afterwards in the palace kitchen, Po was challenged by Wo Hop to a fight to the death in order to restore his honor, and the rabbit chef made several attempts to attack Po and end his own life, the panda preventing him from doing so again and again. After several disasters, including the kitchen being set of fire and an ice dragon sculpture being beheaded, Po fell into despair, believing that he had disappointed everyone. After a comment from Wo Hop about kung fubeing unable to solve everything, Po decided to call on the Furious Five and Wo Hop to help him in his preparations for the Feast. With their extra efforts, everything came together just in time. Tending to a last-minute detail, Po left to fetch some ground jasmine, and saw the village houses decorated with colorful lanterns, and was sullen at seeing families together for their own feasts.
Later, when seated with Shifu, the Five, and the visiting kung fu masters at the Jade Palace, Po was complimented by Shifu for creating the perfect feast. However, Po himself was unhappy as he sat with his fellow masters, and found that he could not enjoy the ceremony, as much as he admired the kung fu heroes present. He explained to them his own traditions of having fun with his family, friends, and neighbors during the holiday. He then politely excused himself (much to Shifu's dismay), and then ran off to join his father at the noodle shop

Po, Shifu, the Furious Five, Mr. Ping, and Wo Hop posing for a portrait
At the shop, Mr. Ping was pleased to see him, and apologized to Po for making him feel guilty, and Po offered to help him cook. They then worked together to make several bowls of holiday-themed noodle soup for the customers, who cheered for them. The Furious Five and the visiting masters later showed up at the restaurant and took part in the festivities as well. Po also presented the Golden Ladle to Wo Hop (whom had shown up to try and attack Po again), restoring honor to him and his home village.
Shifu also came to the noodle shop, still upset that Po had "ruined" the palace feast, but upon seeing the happy celebration taking place inside, Shifu came to appreciate Po's decision. When spotted by the panda, the master was invited inside, and though reluctant to join in the feast, Po insisted, telling him that he was part of his family as well. They joined the others, posing for a group portrait, and Po was able to appease everyone, thanks of his unorthodox, yet sincere actions.
In comicsFor biographical information about Po in comics, see this page.
In Legends of Awesomeness
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Po's dreams of kung fu adventure came true the day that Master Oogway named him the legendaryDragon Warrior. Now a master himself, Po gets to live out his dream everyday at the Jade Palace as he sharpens his kung fu skills with Master Shifu, battles bad guys with the Furious Five and of course, takes a snack break every now and then. With the Furious Five by his side, Po will stop at nothing to keep evil out of the Valley of Peace.[13]
In Kung Fu Panda 2
Po stuffing forty bean buns in his mouth
Some time after defeating Tai Lung, Po, cheered on by the Furious Five in theTraining Hall, attempted to see how many bean buns he could stuff into his mouth. After reaching forty, he was soon summoned to the Dragon Grottowhere he witnessed Shifu meditating. The master then performed a technique that allowed him to catch and guide a falling water droplet upon his paws without breaking it, much to Po's fascination. Shifu specified that he could do this because he'd found inner peace, and that it was the next step in Po's training. Before they could proceed with the lesson, however, Tigress arrived and told Po that the Musicians' Village was under attack by bandits. Po immediately rose to the challenge and left with the Five

Po facing Boss Wolf in battle
As Po and the Five fought the invading pack of wolves, they worked together in battle and managed to save most of the metal the wolves were attempting to steal. Though the pack had been chased off, another wolf was still present, and Po prepared to fight him off. But before he could do so, he noticed the symbol on the wolf's armor and received a vision of his mother, which temporarily dazed him long enough to take the wolf's hammer to the face, knocking him down and allowing the wolf to escape

Po questioning Mr. Ping about his origins
Not knowing what to make of his vision, Po went to the noodle shop to seek answers from Mr. Ping. After explaining what he'd seen, he nervously asked him where he came from. Mr. Ping hesitantly admitted the truth that he had adopted him, and then showed him an empty radish crate, telling him the story of how he had found him in it as a baby, and had taken care of him, growing to love him and raise him as his son. Wishing to know more, Po was dissatisfied with what little information he'd gained. Though his father tried to comfort him, reminding him that he had a good life regardless of how his story began, Po remained troubled with lingering questions about his past.
Shifu telling Po and the Fiveabout Lord Shen
Some time later, Shifu received a message that Master Thundering Rhino ofGongmen City had been killed by a powerful weapon crafted by Lord Shen, which was capable of making kung fu obsolete. Shifu then told Po and the Five to go to Gongmen City, destroy the weapon, and defeat Shen, though Po was concerned about how they would be able to "stop something that stops kung fu," to which Shifu advised him that anything was possible—if he had inner peace.
Mr. Ping watching Po depart theValley
Before Po and the Five could leave the Valley, they were stopped by Mr. Ping, who gave Po a backpack full of his favorite foods, paintings of their moments together, and Po's action figures. Fearing for his son, Mr. Ping pleaded with him not to go, but Po remarked that he had to fulfill his duty as the Dragon Warrior, asking rhetorically what he would be if he didn't go to save kung fu. Mr. Ping supplied that he was his son, to which Po merely stared at him, not answering when the goose questioned whether he agreed. Pressed to leave with the others by Tigress, Po said goodbye to the goose and set off on his journey as Mr. Ping sadly watched him go

Po and the Furious Five traveling on a sampan boat to Gongmen City
They spent several days traveling across China, crossing snowy mountains and huge deserts. One night while sleeping on a river in a small boat, Po had a dream about his parents replacing him with a radish, and woke in distress. He went outside the boat to try and do the technique Shifu had showed him. However, droplets of water kept falling on him, eventually causing him to yell in frustration. Po was then confronted by Tigress, who started to spar with him. Po shared how he had found out that Mr. Ping had adopted him, though tried to shrug off that this bothered him, and complimented Tigress' "hardcore" ability to not feel anything, his comment making Tigress pause in thought.
Po trying to get Storming Ox to leave his cell
When they arrived at Gongmen City, they found that the wolves that had raided the Musicians' Village had taken over the city, harassing the citizens. Po soon separated from the Five and snuck in with a dragon costume, the Five eventually joining him in his disguise. He eventually found a sheep, who told him that Master Storming Ox and Croc were being kept inside Gongmen Jail. Upon arriving at the jail, Po and the Five burst the masters' prison cell door open. However, the two masters refused to come with them and instead were resilient to stay in their cell, stating that kung fu was dead.
Po in a rickshaw chase inGongmen City
Taken aback by this, Po tried again and again to force them out of their cells, but was unsuccessful, though remained convinced that kung fu still lived. However, before he and others turned to depart, Boss Wolf and two of his wolves found them. Although the two wolves were quickly taken down by the Five, Boss Wolf fled and Po tried to catch him, their battle becoming a frantic chase that led out into the streets, until eventually they ended up in front ofShen's palace, where all of Shen's wolves surrounded them. Po then surrendered and they were subsequently arrested and cuffed, though he
stated that he had a plan

Po and the Five facing LordShen
After they were taken up to Shen, Po found a small figurine of the weapon and destroyed it, but his triumph turned to horror when he saw the actual, larger weapon. He met Lord Shen, who laughed at the sight of him in chains, and conversed with the Soothsayer about the panda having had "a lifetime to plot his revenge." Po began to sense that Shen and the Soothsayer knew something that he didn't, but Shen gave no answers, and ordered Boss Wolf to fire the cannon at him and the Five. When he tried to light the fuse, however,Mantis (who had actually been replaced by Po's action figure of him in a cage when they were captured) was quick to put it out, and attacked Boss Wolf.
Po and the Five battling Shen and his minions
Meanwhile, Viper had successfully picked and unlocked Tigress' cuffs, freeing her and the others. Po and the Five then rose to fight, with the Five proceeding to destroy the weapon and Po taking on Shen himself. When Po had the chance to fight the peacock, however, he received another vision, this time of Shen, and realized that he had some connection to his past. With Po frozen before the peacock, Shen escaped and the panda and the Five soon found to their horror that more cannons had been produced. Seeing that they were trapped inside, they made their way up to escape and reached the top of the palace, where they jumped and evaded the fire arrows being shot at them.
Tigress ordering Po to stay behind
They returned to Gongmen Jail and Tigress confronted Po as to why he had let Shen escape, telling him to stay while they went to stop Shen after he didn't answer. After Po made many efforts to leave, only to be stopped by Tigress, he finally told her that Shen knew what had happened to his parents, and that had to know the truth about his past, adding, "The hardcore can't understand." He was then surprised when Tigress unexpectedly hugged him, telling him that she did understand, but didn't want to see her friend die. She then left with the rest of the Five as Po stayed behind.
Po facing Shen
However, Po later found his own way into the cannon foundry, and eventually found the peacock. They ensued in a battle, the Five struggling against Shen's minions to reach Po while the panda demanded Shen to tell what had happened. The peacock told him with satisfaction that he'd seen his parents abandoned him and that they didn't love him. Taking advantage of Po's shock at hearing this, he revealed one of his largest cannons and fired at the panda. Although Po had shielded himself with a wok pan, the force still shot him out of the factory and into a nearby river, where he drifted unconscious and badly injured.
After floating down the river, Po was eventually rescued by the Soothsayer, who brought him to a derelictvillage and healed him. The Soothsayer brought up his troubling visions, and told him how she had long ago foreseen that Shen would be defeated by a warrior of black and white. As Po looked around the village, he saw more flashes in his mind from his past, and even recognized an old burnt panda doll. At the advice of the Soothsayer, Po allowed the visions to come freely instead of fighting them, until his full memory finally came back, and he remembered what had happened.
Po in a meditative state as he remembers his past
In his memory, he saw his parents happily living with him in the village when he was a baby, and saw Shen and his wolves attacking pandas in the village. While raindrops fell as the story flowed through his mind, Po managed to perform the same water drop technique Shifu had demonstrated. He saw that his parents had not abandoned him as Shen claimed, but had both risked their lives to save him, and his mother had hidden him in a crate of radishes before distracting Shen and the wolves to follow her alone. Though saddened at discovering this, Po then recalled all the good memories of his past, as well as the happiness he had in the present. He realized that he had led a fulfilling life since being adopted by Mr. Ping, and, finally knowing who he really was, found inner peace.
Po then returned to Gongmen City, and saw the Furious Five tied up in chains above Shen's fleet, which was just about to leave the city to begin his conquest of China. Shen noticed the panda and ordered his wolves to fire at him. Po made it on the boat and attacked the wolves, freeing the Five and fighting alongside them. Later in the battle, Storming Ox and Croc joined in, along with Shifu, who had traveled to the city after sensing Po's near-death-experience. As the battle raged on, Shen managed to take control of a cannon and aimed it Po. Before he fired, however, Tigress pushed Po out of the way, taking most of the impact of the cannon, and she and the other kung fu warriors were
blasted into the water

Po facing Lord Shen's fleet in thecity harbor
After surveying the rest of his friends, who were weak and exhausted as they hung on to the wreckage, Po saw to the injured Tigress, and held her paw in concern. Angered at Shen, Po swam to an overturned boat and stood before the entire fleet as the others watched. Shen fired at him once more, and Po, concentrating on inner peace, evaded the cannonball, redirecting it with ease similarly to the water droplet technique. Shen ordered to fire at him again and again, but Po continued to evade and throw the blasts elsewhere, until he caught one of the cannonballs and struggled with its force. Before releasing the cannonball, he said "Skadoosh", then threw it at Shen, and it collided with his cannon, destroying it and his entire fleet.
Po later found Shen among the remains, and the peacock asked him how he managed to find peace after all he had done to him. Po told him that he had simply left his past behind, and urged Shen to do the same. Shen instead started attacking Po in a rage, with Po evading most of his strikes, until Shen had inadvertently cut loose his destroyed cannon, which then fell on top of him and exploded as Po dived out of range and into the water. Po surfaced near the dock and was greeted by Tigress, who then helped him out of the water and complimented his actions as "pretty hardcore". Po then hugged her, shocking her and the rest of the warriors who were watching nearby. Shifu then came and and congratulated Po on achieving inner peace. All of the villagers then cheered as Po and the other masters watched the fireworks display above the city

Po reuniting with his father
Bringing with him two crates of radishes as well as his old panda doll, Po returned home to Mr. Ping, who was dealing with a unsatisfied customer and her son, and was beset with worry for Po. Relieved to see him, he hugged Po happily and asked him if he saved China, to which Po confirmed he had. Po then told him that he had found out about his origins and how he had ended up in the radish basket as a baby. Po declared to Mr. Ping that he knew who he was: "I'm your son." The two shared a long, tearful hug before they went into the noodle shop's kitchen, both insisting to cook for each other.
In Secrets of the Masters
Po admiring the artifacts in the exhibit
Po went to explore the Masters' Council exhibit with Tigress and Mantis, whom he had told there was an "emergency". After crashing through the ceiling, Po started studying the exhibit in awe, and told Tigress and Mantis the story of howThundering Rhino, Storming Ox, and Croc were brought together.
Later, Shifu arrived and dismissed Tigress and Mantis, and tasked Po with fixing the roof of the exhibit. Before he could start, Po slipped on the floor and fell into the Sarcophagus of Su Wu, which he was trapped in for a presumably long period of time.
In Kung Fu Panda 3
In the third film, Po "must face two hugely epic, but very different threats: one supernatural and the other a little closer to home." [14]He will additionally reunite with his biological father and travel to a hidden village filled with other pandas, and have the difficult task of training his fellow pandas to fight a new, supernatural threat." [15]
Po will also meet a female panda named Mei Mei, who has been promised in an arranged marriage to him. Additionally, he will also have the challenge of trying to please two fathers.[16]
Po in a scene from the Chinese trailerIn the Chinese trailer of the film, Po was shown in various sequences where he resembled how he appears in his dreams as the Legendary Warrior. These include a glimpse of him confronting Kai, a scene where he makes a glittering yin-yang-like pattern, and a scene of Po traveling in a boat as Oogwayappeared before him.[17]
In the teaser trailer, Po was seen with the Furious Five and partaking in an exercise to transport a cup of tea toShifu through the obstacles in the Training Hall.
Li finding Po at the noodle shop
Po was also shown in the noodle shop discovering another panda. The panda introduces himself as Li Shan and reveals that he's looking for his son, to which everyone but Po gasps. Po remarks that he lost his father, and Li sympathetically says he's sorry. Eventually, they wish each other luck in finding their lost father and son and depart, while the crowd watching sighs at their failure to grasp the obvious.
“There is no secret ingredient. It's just you.”—Po, Kung Fu Panda
Po posing in front of his Furious Five action figures
Po is usually easygoing, playful, and cocky like a big kid, as well as rather "fanboyish" when expressing his love for kung fu. In the first film, he is seen as a huge kung fu fan, owning posters and action figures of his favorite warriors, but is himself clumsy, portly, and having low self-confidence, only dreaming he could be a great warrior while feeling stuck in his unfulfilling life at his father'snoodle shop. But when given the chance, he is all too eager to learn kung fu the hard way, enduring physical beatings and insults in hopes of changing who he is. After learning that "there is no secret ingredient", Po shows the inner strength to save the Valley of Peaceby using his own skills and ingenuity, and in the end becomes his own hero.
Po being motivated with a bowl of dumplings during training
Po possesses a kind and selfless nature, and is generally friendly and laid back. He also has a strong sense of justice, and is willing to risk his life to protect others. Though immature and oblivious in some situations, Po is able to take things seriously when it is called for, and is not hesitant to accept heavy responsibility—at times taking on more than he can handle. He is also capable of learning things very quickly with the right motivation, as shown in the first film, and has memorized a vast amount of knowledge about kung fu, even being reliable enough to teach a class on his own.
Po also displays an action-craving attitude along with a natural affinity for humor, and isn't below acting clownish and dishing out quips, even making fun of himself, in order to entertain others. Imaginative and adventurous, he continues to act excitable and marvel over his heroes even after he has become the Dragon Warrior, at times leaving them embarrassed by his behavior. As Po tends to be less serious and disciplined than other masters, he also tends to think more outside the box, and will find different, creative ways to solve a problem if need be. Po has also broken some rules and traditions (as well as still having a habit of breaking physical things), though this is often unintentional

Po at his father's noodle shop
Though Po tries to balance both sides of his busy life—that of his family with Mr. Ping, and his duties as the Dragon Warrior—this is at times difficult for him. Po tries to live up to the expectations of others, even agreeing with them half-heartedly in some matters, as shown in the first film by his deference to work in a noodle shop, being unwilling to disappoint his father. However, this desire to please does not prevent Po from eventually being honest about his own wishes. And despite his deep reverence for kung fu and his fellow warriors, Po is willing to put family ahead of his responsibilities as Dragon Warrior, even if it means passing on prestigious events and disappointing those who count on him, as shown in Kung Fu Panda Holiday.
Though having grown more confident since becoming the Dragon Warrior, Po nevertheless has moments of intimidation and self-doubt. Even as he tries to talk tough, this boisterous behavior tends to become more comical than threatening, and is perhaps a front for the panda's insecurities. Despite this, Po does have a sense of dignity and defiance, as shown in the first film when he argued with Shifu as he attempted to leave thepalace, and in the second film when he argued with Tigress in order to seek out Shen.
Additionally in the second film, Po was revealed to be rather stubborn when it comes to admitting his problems, even to his friends, as he developed confusion about his own identity after learning he was adopted by Mr. Ping, and seeing visions of his biological parents. This inner struggle showed that Po tries to stay true to his idea of a strong "hardcore" warrior who is unaffected by emotions. He was also persistent enough to not heed the warning of his friends and endanger himself in order to find answers about his past. However, after finding the truth about what happened to his parents, the panda was able to let go of this dilemma by retaining an appreciation for the life he had led, and achieved inner peace by not letting tragedy define who he was

Po and Shifu returning from a day of training
Po has hardly changed since his days before learning kung fu, but his unlikely triumph as the Dragon Warrior has changed those around him. Simple, good-natured, and fueled by determination, Po doesn't seem to hold grudges, even against those who doubt him or treat him with contempt, and is selfless when it comes to protecting those in need, even being able to show compassion for his enemies. Po is much like the opposite of Tai Lung and Shen, in that he shows light-heartedness and humility instead of arrogance and desire for more power. It is these qualities, as well as his great respect for kung fu and his loving heart, that mark Po as the Dragon Warrior, able to defeat such villains when no one else could.
One of the recurring plot lines in the TV series is Po's struggle to not let his title go to his head and effect his ego. Throughout the series, Po is shown to have many adoring fans and, probably due to his past self-esteem issues, he welcomes the attention and adoration, occasionally to the point that it begins to negatively impact his duties or those around him. This is most notable in the two-parter "Enter The Dragon", where Po becomes so wrapped up in his glory, including his own action figures, that he becomes increasingly narcissistic and begins to neglect both his training and his father. This later stops him from telling the villagers to evacuate, not wanting to admit weakness in front of his fans, which later places them all in danger. His arrogance also leads to him being violently humiliated and then tricked by Ke-Pa into causing the last leaf of the sacred Peach Tree to fall, causing the dragon to regain his true form. In "Shoot the Messenger", he is busy giving increasingly creative autographs to his "Panda Pals", when he mistakes a messenger for a fan and writes "Always keep fighting! Never surrender!" on a peace treaty that Shifu was supposed to review and edit, nearly causing a war that would have engulfed all of China. Despite his tendency to let his ego get the better of him and cause him to make mistakes, Po also possesses the self-awareness to realise when he has done so, and is wiling to accept responsibility for his actions and redeem himself.
Fighting style
“My fist hungers for justice! [stomach belches] That was my... fist.”—Po, Kung Fu Panda 2
Unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy and study kung fualongside the Furious Five, Po began training under Master Shifu. But it was soon apparent that the traditional styles of kung fu aren't a good fit for a six-foot-two-inch, 260-pound panda. Shifu discovers that for Po to become the Dragon Warrior, he must embrace Po's inherent panda nature and exploit his physical attributes... including his generous belly and rear end. In the end, Po created his own style that uses his perceived weaknesses as his strengths.
Po often uses an improvised style when he fights, and is a master (and the creator) of Panda Style. In his fightagainst Tai Lung in the first film, Po was able to use his bulky physique to block the snow leopard's nerve attacks, his portliness making him incredibly resistant to severe physical hits, allowing Po to take Tai Lung's strength and use it against him. Additionally in the second film, Po took a near-direct hit from one of Shen's largest cannons (using only a wok to shield him), and still managed to survive.
Po attacking a wolf minion with aliuqin
Po would also use anything in the surrounding area to his advantage, such as when he confused Tai Lung by using makeshift stilts to mix up pots and pans which hid the Dragon Scroll, and when he used fireworks to allow him to reach the scroll before his opponent. Po has also demonstrated some skill in the use of various weapons. In Kung Fu Panda 2, Po was shown using a sword against Shen's wolves by using metal musical instruments; combined with his recently-acquired acrobatic skills, he held his own and overwhelmed them by use of an apparent technique of spinning on top of his head. Similarly, Po managed to throw a tuning fork at Shen and nail him to the wall without injuring him.
Despite his size, Po has shown to be extremely agile, able to hold his own against a master as swift as Shifu during training. Furthermore, once he achieved "inner peace", Po was able use the same water drop catching technique as Shifu demonstrated in order to redirect Shen's cannon fire against his armada, and was later able to dodge Shen's strikes in a one-on-one confrontion.
In fighting alongside the Furious Five, Po has come up with a few techniques of his own. He demonstrated a "Feet of Fury" technique, at which he rapidly kicked at his opponents. He has also learned to work with the members of the Five and perform attacks with them, such as when he and Tigress did a "Double Death Strike" against their opponents.
One of Po's most astounding skills is his quick learning speed; he grasps various kung fu techniques over an incredibly short span of time, whereas others would spend years perfecting such skills. This has amazed his friends and foes alike. In just a manner of days with the right motivation, Po was able to grow proficient enough to match kung fu masters like Shifu and Tai Lung, and achieved inner peace at a very young age. ThroughoutLegends of Awesomeness, Po has also been shown performing powerful kung fu techniques after seeing them only once or simply reading about them. He also invented a few types of fighting styles by himself.
Mr. Ping
“That's my boy! That big lovely kung fu warrior is my son!”—Mr. Ping cheering for Po's victory,
Kung Fu Panda
Mr. Ping tying a cooking apron around Po
Po has a close relationship with his adoptive goose father. Presumably up until the first film, he had been pretending to share his father's interest in noodles and inheriting his noodle shop. Mr. Ping was delighted at the idea of Po following the family business, though seemed oblivious to the fact that Po was actually a big fan of kung fu. Despite his dream to become a kung fu warrior, Po complied to work in the noodle shop half-heartedly, not wanting to disappoint his father.
When Po confessed his true interest was in kung fu, Mr. Ping was flabbergasted, and even more so after Po was declared the Dragon Warrior. However, the goose seemed to think little would come of it, as he only carried on absentmindedly after Po returned home after seemingly failing in becoming a kung fu warrior, merely bringing Po back into the noodle business while they evacuated the Valley. But when he noticed Po was despairing, he expressed he was sorry things hadn't worked out, but added that he still had a future to look forward to, as they were "noodle folk".
When this didn't cheer him up, Po revealed that he sometimes thought it was hard to believe he was the goose's son. Mr. Ping was taken aback, but again tried to comfort his son by telling him the secret of his "secret ingredient soup", which helped Po to understand the meaning of the Dragon Scroll and eventually succeed in his dreams. At the end of the film, Mr. Ping was proud and overjoyed in his son's heroics, and the two embraced in a hug

Po and his father cooking together in Kung Fu Panda Holiday
In Kung Fu Panda Holiday, Po had the difficult choice of deciding whether to be with his father during the holiday, or to follow his duties as the Dragon Warriorand attend the feast at the Jade Palace. This led to a mild argument between the two as Po tried to fix things so his father could come, while Mr. Ping insisted he had to stay at his restaurant, begrudgingly telling Po to "do the right thing". In the end, Po dismissed himself from the banquet at the palace, unable to enjoy it, and spent the holiday cooking with Mr. Ping, who apologized to Po for making him feel guilty.
Po greeting his father in Kung Fu Panda 2Their bond was tested even further in the second film, when Mr. Ping finally told Po that he adopted him as a cub. An awkwardness grew between them as a result, with Mr. Ping fearful for his son as he left to stop a new threat, and Po unable to answer Mr. Ping when he asked him if he was still his son. However, Po discovered his horrific past and realized that he had led a happy life with Mr. Ping. When he returned to the Valley of Peace, he saw Mr. Ping had been deeply worried for him and was overjoyed to see him again, though was apprehensive when Po stated that he had found where he was born, and now knew who he was. Po declared that he was his son. The two heartily embraced, and then insisted on cooking for one another, reunited again as a family.
In the third film, Po's biological father is to appear, and Po will apparently have a hard time trying to please both him and Mr. Ping[16], who "feels very protective", according to Po's voice actor, Jack Black.
Po reunited with his panda father
In the upcomingthird film, Po is described as reuniting with his father, and having a challenge in trying to please both him and his adoptive father.
Shifu threatening Po with theWuxi Finger Hold
Though Po had merely been trying to see which of the Furious Five would bechosen as the Dragon Warrior, he himself ended up being selected by Oogwayinstead of any of Shifu's students. Though Oogway had foretold that whoever he'd choose would bring peace to the Valley and to Shifu himself, Shifu refused to accept that a "flabby panda" could be the true Dragon Warrior. Outraged at this turn of events, he immediately determined that he would make the unwitting panda quit his training by morning, and later met Po in the Jade Palace, quickly showing his disapproval for the panda by mocking his pudgy appearance. Though Po tried to talk back, he was quickly caught in the Wuxi Finger Hold by the master, who threatened that he would regret ever being chosen.
Daunted, Po was then shown into the Training Hall, but being a big fan of kung fu, he showed a willingness to do some moves himself. However, he clumsily came upon several training mechanisms, Shifu and the Five merely watching him in his struggle, and Shifu only pleased to see the panda having a hard time. Though Po was discouraged that Shifu could ever make him into the Dragon Warrior, he received some advice from Oogway to concentrate on the moment instead of doubting his abilities.
That next morning the red panda was convinced Po had quit as his quarters were empty, but he saw that Po had instead arrived at early the training courtyard to "warm up". Annoyed, Shifu later set him up with many brutal sparring matches with the Five and himself, again hoping it would drive the panda to quit. However, Po only demonstrated an eager fearlessness to continue despite failing and getting pummeled every time. Infuriated, Shifu kicked the panda out of the training grounds and down the palace stairs himself.
However, Po still didn't quit, and was later seen with the Five, mimicking Shifu's stern personality much to their amusement, until Shifu himself appeared a moment later and shared the grim news that Tai Lung had escapedprison and was returning, and that Po was the only one who could stop him. Po was alarmed and fled, but was stopped by Shifu outside the palace stairs. Po then confronted the master about how he'd been trying to get rid of him, and that neither of them really thought he was the Dragon Warrior. Shifu asked him why he hadn't quit in spite of everything, and was taken aback when Po admitted that being beat and humiliated was still better than living every day being himself, and hoped that by staying, the kung fu master could change him. When Po demanded just how Shifu could actually help him to win against Tai Lung, Shifu was at a loss and quietly retreated without an answer.
Po and Shifu bowing to each other
The next morning, Po was discovered raiding the barracks' kitchen, eating everything he could find in his distraught state. Shifu was astounded to see that Po displayed an unintentional talent in kung fu while trying to rummage the place for more food, even making a perfect split while doing so. Shifu understood that the best way to teach him was to use food as motivation, and with that, he took the panda to the Wu Dan Mountains. He proclaimed that he would be Po's master and would teach him kung fu, much to the elation of the panda. During an intense period of training, the two formed a bond of friendship and trust, and Shifu saw Po's mastery and humility in a final test of "keep away" using a dumpling as the prize. Though Po won, he gave back the dumpling, declaring with confidence that he wasn't hungry, and ended bowing respectfully to his master, with Shifu bowing to him in return.
By the time they returned to the Jade Palace, Shifu believed that Po was ready to receive the Dragon Scroll, and used his name instead of calling him "panda" when addressing him. But when the scroll turned out to be blank, both Po and Shifu were confused, neither seeing how Po could defeat the snow leopard on his own. With Tai Lung approaching, the Five were ordered to to evacuate the Valley, while Shifu declared he would fight Tai Lung himself. Po was reluctant to let Shifu fight alone, afraid he would be killed, but he obeyed and left with the Five. Once he reunited with his father and realized the true secret of the Dragon Scroll, Po returned to the palace just in time to save an injured Shifu from Tai Lung's attack

Po speaking to a weakened Shifu
After Po defeated Tai Lung, he again returned to the palace and found Shifu, who weakly thanked him for saving the Valley and bringing him peace, seeing that Oogway had indeed been right, and that Po was the Dragon Warrior foretold of in legend. After the master trailed off and closed his eyes, the panda pleaded with him not to die, only for Shifu to yell back that he wasn't dying, he was only at peace, and master and student shared a long meditative moment side by side, until Po interrupted, asking if Shifu wanted to get something to eat, which the red panda agreed to after a sigh. Po and Shifu then shared a meal of dumplings at the Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom, together as two friends.[19]
Although Shifu has accepted Po, he continues to show some impatience with the panda, and later stated that the day Po was chosen as Dragon Warrior was the worst day of his life, though also noted that Po had not been the real cause of his turmoil, but rather it was his own expectations and presumptions. He also appeared to be slightly jealous that Po had mastered inner peace at such a young age, though he was deeply impressed at Po's incredibly swift mastery and how he used it to defeat Lord Shen.[20] The two now continue to sustain a good friendship, with only the occasional quarrel, and Po has also come to consider Shifu as being part of his family.
The Furious Five
Po flying into battle with theFurious Five in Kung Fu Panda 2
As a big fan of the Furious Five, Po's admiration for them is great, so much that his bedroom is covered in posters and he owns an action figure set he had carved himself. He was willing to make several comedic and potentially dangerous attempts to get into the palace arena, just to see the Five perform in the Dragon Warrior Tournament. Po was disheartened when the Five were disdainful of him after being chosen as the Dragon Warrior, though he was eventually able to win them over with his cooking skills and his tenacity.[19]
In the second film, Po has joined forces with the Furious Five, and now stands as good friends with them. However, he has a tendency to embarrass them from time to time, for example when he indiscreetly sneaked into Gongmen City donning a Dragon Costume, and when he later destroyed a model of Shen's cannon, mistaking it for the real one, with the Five staring at him in shock and embarrassment. However, the Five deeply care for Po, evidenced by their despair when Po was seemingly killed, and their ecstasy when he returned alive.
Tigress telling Po to leave
After being chosen as the Dragon Warrior, presumably before it seemed Tigress was about to be chosen, Po was treated with contempt by her, as shown during his first night in the Palace's barracks, and he was upset when Tigress blatantly told him he was a disgrace to kung fu and should leave. Although Tigress continued to display resentment towards Po for the majority of the film, he never held a grudge against her for it. It wasn't until the film's end that Tigress finally accepted Po as the Dragon Warrior, and Po seemed appreciative of it.[19]
In the events depicted in Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness, Po's friendship with Tigress gradually grew. Tigress is implied to be Po's favourite member of the Furious Five, and the one whose approval and acceptance he cares the most about. He makes frequent attempts to bond with her throughout the series, though he often gets in his own way due to his slothfulness, clumsiness, recklessness, flippancy, lack of personal discipline or hygiene, occasional egotism and selfishness, and tendency to not properly think his actions through, all of which she disapproves of and fervently rebukes him for. Po also tends to get jealous of other male characters, namely Peng and Yijiro, when they seem to get along better with Tigress than he does. However, whilst Po's many flaws still frequently annoyed Tigress, she has come to realize that he is a resourceful warrior who truly deserves to be the Dragon Warrior. However, their differences came to a head when Po's antics annoyed Tigress to the point that she finally lost her temper and suggested that Oogway had made the wrong choice about Po. It was then that Po finally spoke against her, stating she sucked at friendship and "funship". However, he didn't hesitate to come to her rescue when she was captured by Fung and his bandit gang. After the battle, Tigress took back her earlier statement and the rift between them was mended.[22]
In the sequel, Po and Tigress seemed to have developed a closer friendship with each other since the events of the first film. This was first seen when Po stuffed forty bean buns in his mouth, and Tigress encouraged him, joining in on the fun with he rest of the Five. Furthermore, like the rest of the Five, Tigress has learned to work in unison with Po in combat, as shown when they fought off the wolf bandits in the Musician Village
Tigress telling Po to stay behind
When Po became afflicted with an identity crisis when he learned the truth about his adoption, Tigress alone persuaded him to talk about his emotional problems, but during their conversation Po unknowingly made Tigress feel uncomfortable when he claimed that she couldn't feel anything.
Despite their close friendship, Po was extremely reluctant to tell Tigress about his discovery of Shen's involvement in his past when she interrogated him in Gongmen Jail. When Tigress ordered Po to stay behind in the prison after he had allowed Shen to escape, he insisted on leaving, leading to a minor one-sided duel between them. Po eventually revealed his wish to learn the truth about his parents, and stated that the 'hardcore' wouldn't understand. He received a shock when she hugged him instead of lunging at him. She told Po she did understand, but wouldn't allow her friend to be killed, showing him that she wasn't as unfeeling as Po thought she was.
Po hugging Tigress
Near the end of the movie, during the battle in the canal, Tigress shoved Po out of the line of fire a second before Shen fired his cannon and sent the kung fu warriors flying into the harbor. After the explosion, Po swam for Tigress after spotting her lying motionless on a piece of driftwood, and gently took her paw. Seeing how badly injured she was, Po locked eyes with Shen, giving him a long burning glare. He then pushed Tigress out of firing range before swimming away to face Shen's armada for the last time.
After Shen was defeated, Po hugged Tigress after she had complimented his heroic actions as "pretty hardcore". Tigress was bewildered and didn't hug back, but stood alongside Po and the others and happily watched the fireworks above Gongmen City in wake of Po's victory.
Like others of the Furious Five, Monkey expressed doubts about Po being the true Dragon Warrior, but also took it humorously. Though Monkey joked and laughed at the panda, he also laughed the loudest at Po's own jokes, such as his impersonation of Shifu. Po's perseverance in training moved Monkey to respect Po's determination, and he eventually accepted him as the Dragon Warrior and a fellow kung fu master with the rest of the Five.[19]
It is seen in Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness that Po and Monkey often laugh and joke with each other, sometimes at the expense of the rest of the Five. They both also have a bit of a competitive streak with each other, shown in "Scorpion's Sting" when they tried to gain points over each other in their feats. However, their friendship was strong enough to break Scorpion's control over Monkey, and allowed them to work together to overcome defeat her.
In the series, Po has referred to Monkey as his best friend, even protecting him when a mob of villagers suspected he was behind a number of robberies in the Valley (which Monkey's brother committed), and he stopped Monkey from fleeing the Valley because of it, eventually helping to clear his name, with Monkey thanking him and calling him "bro".
Like the rest of the Five, Mantis didn't believe Po was the real Dragon Warrior at first, and expressed mild, humorous disrespect towards him. He once joked that whenever Po walked, the very ground shook (unaware that at the time, Po was listening in). However, as Mantis gradually warmed up to him along with the others, he rather unsuccessfully tried to treat Po using acupuncture after a painful first day of training, claiming it would help him feel better, and noted that he himself had no right to discount someone based on their size. He was also the first to note Po's excellence in cooking.
In the Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness episode "Hometown Hero", Po was shocked when he discovered that Mantis had told everyone in his hometown that he was the Dragon Warrior to get back at his ex-fiancee, Hao Ming. Despite this, he displayed his great loyalty by allowing Mantis to continue to facade and rub Hao's nose in it, while Po would disguise himself as his sidekick. However, this led to a brief rift in their friendship when Mantis began to frequently let Po down, choosing to spend time with Hao rather than help Po in a duel with Hao's ex-boyfriend, Dosu. The friendship was mended when Mantis eventually realized that Hao only wanted to marry him for his title, and rescued Po when he received another pummeling from Dosu.
Of the Five, Viper was the only one who showed a more kind and compassionate disbelief that Po was theDragon Warrior, as she feared that Po would just wind up getting hurt or worse. Shown in their brief spar (where she apologized after beating him to the ground), Viper was more friendly towards the panda, and was the first to notice his determination to not quit his training. Like the rest of the Five (sans Tigress), she warmed up to Po more after she was treated to his good cooking and sense of humor.
Like the rest of the Five, Crane showed disbelief that Po was the true Dragon Warrior, sarcastically and dramatically proclaiming, "He is so mighty - the Dragon Warrior fell out of the sky in a ball of fire!" Additionally, he had no problem mocking Po behind his back, but was more awkward when speaking to him directly, as shown in their first conversation together.
Throughout the film, Crane mellowed out towards Po, who had eventually won most of the others over with his cooking and sense of humor. When Shifu ordered them all to evacuate the Valley, Crane led Po out of thepalace, understanding his loyalty to their master. Shown in the second film, Crane has come to work with Po very well, usually helping Po land safely from high altitudes or helping him with aerial maneuvers and techniques.
Oogway talking with Po in Kung Fu Panda
Oogway was the main reason that Po became the Dragon Warrior in the first film. He was the one that was first inspired and told the world of Po's destined calling, much to everyone's disbelief.
When Oogway had found Po sitting under the Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdomone night, Oogway sensed the panda's pain and asked why he was upset. Po explained his position with Shifu, the Furious Five, and his previous life at thenoodle shop with his father, to which the old tortoise kindly gave him advice about concentrating on the present instead of worrying about the past or the future. This comforted Po and encouraged him to keep trying to achieve his dreams and fulfill his destined calling as the Dragon Warrior.[19]
Though Po respected Oogway, he possibly thought he was a bit senile as well, as he commented that Oogway was a "crazy old turtle after all" when the Dragon Scroll that was meant to be the secret to limitless power was revealed to be blank.
Masters of Gongmen City
Storming Ox and Croc
Po trying to get Storming Ox to leave his cell in Kung Fu Panda 2
Po first met Masters Storming Ox and Croc in Gongmen Jail during the events of Kung Fu Panda 2. Po was first under the impression that both Ox and Croc were actually in need of rescuing. When they revealed their decision to stay in prison, Po tried to convince the two that Lord Shen needed to be stopped. Masters Ox and Croc were both adamant that any attempt to stop the peacock would merely result in Shen's cannon being turned against the citizens ofGongmen City, and refused time and again to leave their cell. Po was beside himself to see the prestigious kung fu masters seem so easily defeated, and was even more dismayed at Storming Ox's proclamation that kung fu was dead. Having lost patience with the hopeless duo, Po told them to remain in their cell to wallow in their shame.
His belief in them was restored during the Battle of Gongmen City, when Ox and Croc unexpectedly joined in the battle after all, having been persuaded by Master Shifu.
Po about to use the Wuxi Finger Hold on Tai Lung in Kung Fu Panda
Po already knew some things about Tai Lung (specifically the leopard's mastery of all one thousand scrolls of kung fu and his eventual incarceration), but he had never actually met him. But when Shifu told Po one night that Tai Lung was returning to the Valley of Peace and he was the only one who could stop him, Po instantly became baffled and fear-stricken. Similarly, when Tai Lung hadescaped prison, his only thought was to battle the Dragon Warrior and claim theDragon Scroll, which he thought was rightfully his.
When they finally met, Tai Lung was taken aback, as he had never dreamed that the legendary Dragon Warrior would be a panda. As they fought each other, their determination and rivalry were constantly tested when they tried to outdo each other. Even after Tai Lung had victoriously retrieved the scroll and Po explained the truth about its message, in that it's blank, reflective surface symbolized that the power was only to believe in oneself. Enraged, the snow leopard continued to fight him to the point of exhaustion. As Po gained the upper hand, he finally performed the Wuxi Finger Hold, which served to defeat the snow leopard and prove to all that he was indeed the true Dragon Warrior.
Po facing Shen in Kung Fu Panda 2
Until the events of the second film, Po had only heard of the peacock's name days before confronting him in Gongmen City, and was unaware of what Shen had done to his family and birth village. Before finding out the truth, he had treated Shen like any other ruthless villain; but when he saw a vision of Shen and what had happened to his village, Po tried numerous times to get information from him about what exactly happened the night that the pandas were massacred.Shen merely saw this as an opportunity to be cruel. He told Po numerous lies, stating that he had been abandoned by his mother and father, and even stating that Po's parents never truly loved him in the first place. After finding inner peace and discovering that Shen had lied, Po bravely stood up to the peacock before hisfleet could leave the city and spread destruction across the country. And after defeating him and his army, Po boldly confronted Shen, and tried to talk him into letting go of his past, commenting that "The only thing that matters is what you choose now". Shen responded by choosing to attack him, and Po stayed on the defensive until Shen's strikes inadvertently led to the peacock's own death.
Po fighting Boss Wolf inGongmen City
Ever since Boss Wolf whacked Po in the face with a hammer during theirencounter at the Artisan Village, Po took an intense dislike to the wolf and attempted to pay him back when Crane pointed him out in Gongmen City. As enemies, Po struggled against Boss Wolf, and Boss Wolf taunted and insulted the panda at every opportunity, but unlike Shen, he did not underestimate him, having witnessed his kung fu skill first hand.
It was later revealed that Boss Wolf and Po had met before: When Shen and his army attacked a panda villageyears ago, Boss Wolf had attacked Po when he was an infant, but Po's father intervened and struck him in the face with a farming tool before he could harm the child. This incident scarred Boss Wolf's left eye. While Po was eventually able to remember this encounter, Boss Wolf most likely never knew that Po was the same panda he had tried to murder as a baby.
Po confronting KaiIn the third film, Po is to face Kai, a a villain who can "steal the powers from every kung fu master he defeats", and who has "his sights set on Po."[16]
In Legends of AwesomenessFor information about Po's relationships with characters from Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness, see this page.
The Soothsayer
Po and the Soothsayer in Kung Fu Panda 2
Po's relationship with the Soothsayer started out as a bit unexpected and non-existent, as Po had never seen her before. Po had thought she was sided withShen, which made the Soothsayer realize that he didn't know what had happened in his past.
They were soon caught up in matters that delayed their relationship to develop any further, but after Po was blasted from the Fireworks Factory and knocked unconscious in the river, she took him in and nursed him back to heath. Po, at first, thought she was still working for Shen and tried to escape, but then she told him that she only wanted to help him. Po then asked why she saved him, and she replied that he needed to fulfill his destiny. She aided Po in recovering the long-lost memories of his past and helped him see his true calling of the warrior he was born to be. This left Po more sure and more aware of himself than he ever was.
Po most likely never held a grudge towards the Soothsayer for making the prophecy that led to his village's destruction.
According to a summary of the film, Po meets Mei Mei after reuniting with his biological father and finding the other pandas. She has been promised in an arranged marriage to Po,[16] and is described as being "overeager" and "amorous." Po's voice actor Jack Black also comments that "Po's a little freaked out, since he's never been around a female of his own species."[18]
Po in his regular clothes
Po wears a simple pair of burlap pants that consists of patchwork done in different colors, which occasionally sags down Po's waist. He also wears a striped red-and-gold strap around his waist, wraps around his ankles, and sandal-like shoes

Po's formal Winter Feast outfit
In Kung Fu Panda Holiday, Po's casual winter clothes consisted of a red snow hat with yellow-dotted black stripes and a yellow scarf. At theJade Palace's formal Winter Feast dinner, Po wore his same pants, but with a tall dark coronet-like hat on his head and a large dark cape around his neck.
At one point in Kung Fu Panda 2, he also wore a small straw hat for a short time when he went to confront Shen's fleet in Gongmen City.
Po's new outfit in a sequence from Kung Fu Panda 3In the Chinese trailer for thethird film, Po is shown in a new outfit that appears to match his fur, with a white robe that has black trimming, and long, black sleeves trimmed with gold. With this he wears a long gold cape, a red sash across his waist, and a straw hat. He is also shown holdingOogway's staff. This appearance greatly resembles that of the dream Po from the first film.
Po's full name, Po Ping (simplified Chinese: 宝平?; traditional Chinese: 寶平?; pinyin: "bǎo píng"), translates to "precious peace" in Chinese.[24]
Po has a special "fighting fist" control that he only uses when he's engaging in kung fu.[25]
When the real Po is first seen in Kung Fu Panda, he is shown upside down. This was meant as a visual motif, as Po is also shown upside down in the final scene of the film.[26]
According to Jack Black, Po is technically the "leader" of the Furious Five, but not a member of the quintet. [27]
Po's favorite Furious Five member is Tigress, despite the fact that she showed considerable disrespect and disgust at him throughout most of the first film.[28]
In the first film, Po mentions that he has "no claws", but he does appear to have them, albeit stubby ones.
According to Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness, Po never went to school as a cub.[29] However, during the credits of Kung Fu Panda 2, young Po is seen in a schoolhouse.
In an interview with "Po" for Scholastic News Online, Po shares how Crane told him the giant panda is called a "large bear-cat" in China. This actually comes from the literal translation for "giant panda" in Chinese (traditional and simplified Chinese: 大熊貓?; pinyin: dà xióng māo).[30]
In the opening sequences of the first film (during Po's dream), he rapidly kicked his enemies in mid-air. This move was used for real by Po during the first fight scene in Kung Fu Panda 2, calling the move "Feet of Fury".
In Kung Fu Panda 2, when Po supposedly fit forty bean buns in his mouth, there were actually only nine.[31]
In development
Earlier versions of Po's character had him not as a fan of kung fu, and he was "rather hateable and stupid and dead-end". However, Jack Black's performance helped to change and define Po's personality as more of a vulnerable kind instead.[24]
In development, Po went through a variety of origins. Among these were living in a panda village with his mother, working in a chime factory, and being an indentured servant to Mr. Ping.[32]
In earlier story treatments, Po's adoptive father was going to be Shifu.[33]
The "weirdest" animation control was for Po's uvula.[25]
Po's cheeks were rebuilt during the first film to allow him to stuff his mouth with more food.[25]
In popular cultur

Po and the Furious Fiveparodied in MAD
Baseball player Pablo Sandoval of the San Francisco Giants is nicknamed "Kung Fu Panda."
As a tribute to the star of the films, a newborn giant panda cub in Zoo Atlanta—the only one born in the U.S. in 2010—was named Po. Jack Black was present for the naming of the newborn cub.[34]
A spoof character of Po, known simply as "Kung Fu Panda", appeared in the 2008 parody film Disaster Movie.
Spoof versions of Po have appeared in the Cartoon Network TV series MAD in the episodes "Are You Karate Kidding Me?", "TwiSchool Musical/Avenger Time", "Kung Fu Blander", and "PO-blivion". Po was voiced in all episodes by Brian T. Delaney[35], who had also voiced Mantis in the first Kung Fu Pandavideo game.
Po made short appearances at the 2011 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards on April 2, 2011, in which he interrupted the show and eventually annoyed the host, his voice actor Jack Black. This was done as a tribute to one of the show's sponsors, Kung Fu Panda 2